Friday, September 30, 2011

You are my sunshine..

Today I took Allison lunch! I got each of the kids a kids meal, and of course the McDonald's people ask for girl or boy toys. Well Cooper was very upset that he didn't get an icary toy like Allison. Soon he got over it and we enjoyed a pleasant lunch together. Right before Allison class was getting dismissed from the cafeteria for lunch Cooper yells he needs to pee. I am afraid we are going to miss seeing Allison off but I rush Cooper to the bathroom. The lil guy is taking his time washing his hands and I am trying to rush him off telling him we are gonna miss Allison. As we walk down the hall I see all the kids had gone, Cooper starts crying wailing out for Allison. I see Allison waiting out the doors to the play ground. She comes running in hugging Cooper. I think Cooper was a bit tired he continued to cry telling Allison he didn't want her to go. So Allison decided to give Cooper her icarly toy and he settles down, Allison kisses him goodbye and runs off to the playground.

Some days I cant believe I have a first grader. This past Tuesday I had a parent teacher conference at the school, Allison teacher had such kind words to say about her. That Allison is a very caring person, always willing to lend a helping hand to her fellow students. Allison teacher told me one example of her helpful attitude. The kids were learning to write a new letter in cursive and this one child was having a hard time, so Allison went over to help the little girl until she was able to write it correctly. I am so proud of my little girl. There's a song I sing to my kids when there sad or when I am loving on them, you are my sunshine. Because they truly are my sunshine, they bring me such happiness. Today is one of those days where I feel so very blessed to be my kiddos mother.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Kissy Monster

Some times I just cant help myself and give my little guy kisses, when I do Cooper will ask me "Are you the kissy monster right know?" I will answer and tell him that I am the kissy monster and proceed to give him more kisses. Cooper will respond "You aren't the kissy monster. You my mommy, mommy." I will tell Cooper no I want to be the kissy monster and he tells me "No you have to be just my mommy, mommy okay?!" "Mommy you play hide and seek with me so you cant be the kissy monster." I say okay and we play hide and seek.

This morning I was making the kids breakfast while they laid in my bed. I sat on the couch for a brief second and Cooper came walking through the hall he quietly climbed into my lap. It's rare these days that Cooper wants to cuddle. My lil guy grabbed my hand and caressed it on his face. My baby boy kissed my hand and said "I love you mommy." He got up and walked back to my bed, and like that the moment was over.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

A Spectacular Saturday!

Saturday was quite the full day! We started off our morning with a soccer game. It was a tough loss, but are girl played there hearts out! Allison scored the first goal of the game, and stood up to some big girls. My little first grader playing second and third grade girls! We got on the road shortly after the game to head into Midland. On are to do list was to attend my friends twin son's birthday party. Unfortunately we were to late to attend the twins party but knew we would meet up with them later. Friday was my sisters birthday and she scheduled her party for Saturday so we could attend. It was such a fun gathering, I thoroughly enjoyed every moment with my family at my sisters. We laughed a ton and enjoy each others company. You learn to really appreciate the simple gatherings with family when you don't live in the same town anymore. After my sister's party we headed to the Saint Ann's fair. A tradition in our little family, one we haven't missed since are first date 12 years ago. The sun was bearing down but that didn't stop my kiddos from enjoying some fun fair food, rides, crafts, and facing painting. I would have to say my favorite part of the day was watching my kiddos. Allison was so protective of Cooper, she helped him get into the rides and watched him like a hawk. The kids pretty much held hands the entire day. Before leaving town we stopped by my friends house to drop our gifts off to her sons, and I enjoyed chatting my friends ear off. We pulled into town a little before 11pm, talk about a full Saturday!!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Whats up doc

I must have at least 3 pictures like this. Cooper has always been a good eater, he will almost always try any food. A few of his favorites foods are carrots, blue berries, raspberries, strawberries, lettuce, and celery. Some days Cooper can eat no stop! Thought I would share the picture with my blog, enjoy.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Report Cards and Jumping Jacks

Report cards are in!! Its Allison very first report card. She didn't understand it at first but we chatted about and by the end of the day when daddy got home she was explaining her report card to him. It is amazing to see the progress your child goes through. I remember my Alli struggling and she has grown by leaps and bonds. Her teacher said "Allison is such a hard worker! I am so glad she is in my class. " I couldn't be more proud. Also she talks often about a certain little boy at her school. Just today she told me "Mom Xavier said I looked beautiful in my dress today." We are in the thick of the soccer season. Allison as two soccer practice a week and a soccer game every Saturday. Allison told me last night after practice that she loved her new team and had so much fun with her friends and daddy at practice.

Cooper James is as active as ever. Yesterday he told me "Mom how do you do jumping Jacks?" I held his little arm and tried to make him do a jumping jack. He laughed and told me to show him one. So I did a couple of jumping jacks and Cooper was laughing hysterically. "That's not how you do em mommy, you don't look like the imagination movers." Yesterday I told Cooper to tell me he loved me and he said "I love you very much mommy." I said what about daddy and Cooper said "Daddy he my best friend." Do I dare say we have made a huge progress in the potty training department??? Cooper hasn't had an accident since last Tuesday. Going number one was always a breeze but number 2 seemed so hard for my lil guy to grasp. I certainly hope we are done.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I was going through the cameras pictures and I realized I had some blogging to do! One of my favorite memories of my Aunt is the times we would put puzzles together. Even as adults at our last family reunion in 2009 during our down time we put puzzles together. Thanks to my aunt we own our fair share of puzzles! But I also share her love for puzzles and so do my kids! Most every time we complete a puzzle I try to take pictures with my kiddos and the finished puzzle, so here are a few pictures of the puzzles we finished.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

12 years

It is time to catch up on my blog!! I left my computer in Midland last week and my camera finally died and I was having a hard time retrieving the pictures. So enjoy the update!!

Twelve years ago today I meet the love of my life. I remember so very clearly that time in my life. My sister had recently married and moved out of state. I had just started my sophomore year of high school. Things were definitely changing for me. I went to a church lock in with my friend at her church. At the end of this lock in a very polite gentlemen asked for my phone number and told me he thought I was beautiful and wanted to get to know me. Little could we imagine where life would lead us. It has been an amazing twelve years with a few lows but many more highs. I thought I would load a picture from our wedding because I don't any pictures from when we were dating, enjoy.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Soccer Game!!

As soon as we moved to Hobbs we signed Allison up for soccer. We were sad to leave our team in Midland but we are hopeful for a new season here in Hobbs. It turned out that all the coaches returned for Allison age and Richard wouldn't be able to coach Allison. Then surprisingly Richard was asked if he would coach the next year up from Allison age. He agreed if Allison could play on the team, so Allison is know playing on an older team!! It's gonna be an interesting season, are team has had a new coach ever year and they definitely need to improve there technique. We won are first game 10-4, Allison scored 3 goals. The girls we played were big and I am so proud of Allison she played her heart out!! I hope we can survive next weeks game supposedly its a tough team that we lose to every year.

A Birthday

Yesterday was my sisters birthday!!! We had planned a few months ago that it would be fun if everyone came into to Hobbs to visit us and celebrate my sister Courtney's birthday. My mom came into town first, a little before noon. So we surprised Allison and had lunch with her!! I was graced with my mothers talent in decorating! Every time I move I don't even bother placing furniture, pictures, and decor through out the house. I just don't have a good sense, my mother on the other hand it is truly her gift! My mother got to work and preformed her magic and I am in love with the changes to my home! Once my sisters came into town we enjoyed lunch together and a few game of cards!!! And after a much anticipated week without Richard he made it home from his training!!!!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Weekend Wrap-up!

Friday~ At lunch time we left for Midland. We had plenty of things to do before my brother in laws birthday day dinner. I left the kids at my sisters to play while Richard and I ran around town. We enjoyed dinner at my sister and brother in laws. It was such a beautiful night that we got to enjoy with family. Kids had a blast playing with silly string and running after my niece's new puppy. I even got to see my niece off to her senior homecoming!

Saturday~ My friends baby shower was bright and early Saturday morning! It was a complete success! Lots of goodies for the mom to be, great food, and fabulous company with old friends! My sister even won the bottle of Hershey kisses! After the shower my sisters and I enjoyed lunch a Jason's deli, I can honestly tell you I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Discussing things with my sisters like who has the biggest but, who has the smallest feet, and other body parts hahaha!

Sunday~ We enjoyed church at my moms Ward. Then a fabulous late lunch at my moms, her famous tacos!!! We ended the day at the pool!

Monday~ Allison had her dentist appointment early but afterwards we enjoyed another famous meal of my mothers her BIG breakfast! Later we visited my sisters house and made a angle food cake from scratch. And then I had a huge grocery store trip to make! We were even able to make one last trip to the pool! By mind I barely had my head screwed on! I even drove to my in laws instead of the hotel at one point! We had to drive back quickly to Hobbs for Allison first soccer practice! Then Richard was off back to Midland for a week of training, boo!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Off to..

Off to Midland for a few days, Cooper sure is ready!! I pulled out the suite cases and went to the kids room to grab a few things and Cooper disappeared! I kept calling for him and I could hear a giggle, and he peaked out of the suit case, silly boy! I am excited for our busy weekend in Midland we have a lot to do, promise to blog about it when we come back home.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Open House

On Tuesday night Allison had open house at her elementary school! It was nice to get a better look at her class room and to chat with the teacher a bit. Apparently Allison is loved by many and her teacher had nothing but nice things to say about her. Allison's teacher talked about how caring Allison is, helpful, and just a sweetheart! The nicest thing she said was that Allison makes a wonderful addition to the classroom! I am so happy with the school here and Allison seems to be adjusting beautifully!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day Weekned

Our Weekend didn't start out like we thought but we were very blessed with a short yet helpful visit from the in laws. I don't know who was more excited for the visit me or the kids! The kids and I spent some time with Grandma. Richard his nephew and dad went to pick up our new table. After they came back we all went and enjoyed milkshake together!! Our Saturday started out a little lazy with a big breakfast, the kids played outside and Richard put together the table. I think the children were more excited about the hug boxes that the table came in. The boxes turned into little house for the kids. They brought toys and blankets then played for an hour in them! For dinner we were invited to a friends house! They have a brand new baby and a two in a half year old son. I was so thankful how well Cooper played with there son. Richard and I definitely enjoyed the adult time. Sunday was an extremely relaxing day. The only thing we did was go to church and Skype my mother that night. Monday we kept the kids busy taking them out to lunch at McDonald's, to the park, to fish, and to see the movie The Smurfs.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Allison has been in school for 12 days! Allison wakes up with no problems and gets ready for school with out a fuss. Allison definitely has an opinion about what she wants to wear to school and how she wants her hair done. She likes to walk herself into her classroom. I have seen her mature so much since Kindergarten. Allison is reading her books with ease and her hand writing has definitely improved too! Also Allison made a 100 on her first spelling test! Wednesday's are early release days and of course I remembered to pick her up. Although as soon as I saw Allison come from the school doors she ran to me and said "Mom I forgot to tell you it was early release day and I thought you forgot!" Allison has made a few friends but I think she is still feeling the Summer Blues!

Cooper and I are enjoying some alone time together. Every morning we go for a leisure walk at the duck pond and then I let him play for about half an hour at the park there. That little boy has quite the personality. One morning while we were at the park some children came to play and this one little boy asked Cooper what his name was and Cooper replied "My name is Peter Parker." I couldn't believe it! So during the day I ask him what his name is and some times I get the right answer some times I get "Tony Stark, Peter Parker". Yesterday afternoon the whole family went for a walk around the neighborhood and Cooper was running and took a pretty hard fall such a bad fall Allison started crying asking Cooper if he was okay. Surprisingly Cooper took the fall pretty well and got up hug Allison and said "Its okay Alli I didn't die!" This morning Cooper and I enjoyed some quiet time watching Home Alone, that lil boy couldn't stop laughing honestly neither could I (I actually love that movie), Cooper loved the movie and said things like "That's so funny or he got hit in the pee pee."