Saturday, August 28, 2010

One week down!!!

Well we survived our first week of kindergarten!!! Allison seems to like school, she doesn't complain about going, has made a handful of friends, and loves PE. Allison told me "Mom you get to exercise in PE, did you know that? Its so cool." She even got to sit next to the "handsome" boy at lunch the other day. Which she describes looks like her brother blond and blue eyes. Oh and I had lunch with Allison on Friday and I meet this "handsome" boy which he seem about a head taller then the other kindergarten students and his name is Hayden. We have had a busy weekend drove out of town to go see my nephew play football his senior year and my niece is on the flag team. And were pretty low key today which was definitely needed, and then had our self a little kid less date night. Anyway here's to another good week!!!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Allison First Day of school!!

So I know I am a day late, but this mother is tired!! Yesterday I sent my first born to kindergarten. I remember the day we brought our pride and joy home from the hospital, it actual took two cars to get all the flowers and gifts I received home from the hospital and my loving sister obliged to foloow us home with them. We of course as new parents took the safest way home down a rural street to our home and drove past an elementary school. We drove by as school had been released and my darling husband mentioned can you imagine in 5 years we will be taking our daughter to school, and I sat back and imagined it. Well lets say what I had imagined those years ago was not as picture perfect as Allison first day of school but it was pretty close. Richard had to be at work in Eunice New Mexico at 6am and could not be with us and 5 years ago I did not envision my sweet Cooper into the equation. But we managed, as I pushed my lil guys stroller down the hall and held my sweet daughters hand, tears were already watering my eyes. I walked her in her classroom, told her to hang her back pack gave her a hug and pushed back a flow of tears (got to be strong, don't want to upset her) and told Allison sit down on the carpet and I'll pick you up when school is over. I hesitated she did not I walked away and looked back several times. As I pushed Cooper back to the car I am not ashamed to admit I cried and I cried in the car because well I am emotional like that! The day passed pretty quickly and I was excited to pick her up, and when she saw me her face lite up and we walked back to the car as she told me about her day and especially about the "handsome" boy in her class! WOW, my daughter is in Kindergarten!

Monday, August 16, 2010

important events

Since my last blog we have completely moved in to our new house which is pretty much functional besides the boxes in the garage and the back yard needs some work! I celebrated my birthday this past Thursday with a huge crowd of family and friends, what a wonderful day that was! Allison starts kinder in a week from today and we have been running around getting ready for it!! School supplies check, lunch box check, backpack check, new hair cut check, is mommy going to cry in the parking lot the entire first week of school CHECK! We have been putting the kids to bed early for the past week preparing and going over her alphabet, numbers, and reading books I know she is ready. Today happens to be Richard and mine 8 year wedding anniversary! As I remember eight years ago, that I married the love of my life on a very windy day the most important people in my life there to help celebrate such a joyous event one of the most happy memories of my life. This literally began my life, and how eight years have truly changed I am so lucky to be a stay at home mother to my two wonderful children. As I type my baby blue eyes just climbed in my lap to be held. Life is truly wonderful and I am so blessed to spend it with my eternal partner. Happy Anniversary to my best friend.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Birthday boy

Hello blog world, I know I have been MIA lately. Life has been crazy busy, unimaginably busy. I dream of packing, I think I have been packing in my sleep! We celebrated Cooper's second birthday on Saturday, on his actual bday July 31! I cant believe my baby boy is 2! Seems like yesterday
we were preparing for his arrival, my how things have change. Cooper you are a hand full, but worth every minute of it! Yesterday you found the gum your sister hide, pushed a chair to climb to get to it and hide to eat the entire pack! You are one busy guy, always on the go people often ask me if you ever slow done and the truth is you don't! You love trains right know, you wake up and want me to put your train set together, I keep asking myself why I just don't leave it together! You want to watch the Thomas the train movie every day. Your talking ALOT! And you give the most incredible hugs and kisses, ever time you see your cousins you want to hug them even if one of them runs away crying. Your so smart, it baffles me on servral occasions. I am going to love 2, although I know its going to be a trial of patience but as your mother I am willing to put up with it! Allison just finished her in door soccer season, yay bumblebees! And moving this weekend to the storage unit then to our new house next weekend. Allison starts kindergarten this month, don't even get me started with that I might cry! So as far as the California chronicles go, there put on hold tell the move is OVER!