Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I have really enjoyed this summer because I have gotten to spend loads of time with Allison. Her personality has really blossomed. I thought I would share just a few things about Allison. Lately Allison has had an opinion on her hair style. Last week when we were getting ready for ice skating I was combing Allison hair and she insisted that I leave her hair down because all the girls in her ice skating class have there hair down! Let me tell you about Allison's mad skills on the Wii, that child knows how to maneuver any game. Also she has become particular good at loading movies from Netflix onto the Wii. Allison latest obsession is to watch Icarly and big time rush. Like her father she repeat's line form these tv shows through out the day. I seriously cant believe she likes these shows, although I dvr them first and make sure its not to inappropriate for her to watch. Something Allison as continued to do since the age of two is changing closes at least 4 outfits a day. Not to mention her new partner in crime, Cooper. Now Allison helps Cooper change into outfits all day long! I am sure we got looks when we went to the grocery store with my kids wearing a Army outfit with matching hat and Allison in her boots plus hat and Jessy from Toy Story costume! Of course with all of our swimming activities Allison has become an amazing swimmer, she literally cant stop herself from cannon balling in the water!! My favorite characteristic about Allison is her sweet demeanor to share, be kind, and always being and amazing example to her brother and those around her. Earlier in the month Allison ask me for my camera to take a few pictures and I thought I would include them with this post hope you enjoy. I also threw in a picture of her checking the mail, she loves doing that! Everyday she gets the key and ask to check it!

Monday, June 27, 2011

A moment with Cooper

Last night my sweet baby boy climbed into my lap while I was sitting in my bed and he gently laid against me. I really enjoyed this moment with Cooper. Most of the time Cooper is extremly active, in seconds this kid can destroy a room. He has a imagination unlike any child I have ever seen. Some times I am amazed at the things he says, I never expected Cooper to have such an option. And the bain of my existence when concerning Cooper, PAINT! In this picture Cooper got a hold of Allison permanent paint, lets just say that wasn't fun getting off. Also we have been battling potty training for some time and we still are. Some days I feel so defeated, and some days there is a shimmer of hope. Like yesterday we had just come home from my nephews birthday party and I was taking off Cooper's clothes so I took him to the potty and he tried to go number 2 and was unsuccessful. I knew he needed to go so I thought I would keep my eye on him. Well I was hanging my clothes up and passed threw the living room to check on Cooper and he is standing there but naked and what do I see dangling between his legs?! Ugh!!! Today Allison was talking to Cooper about how she was sad about missing her cousin's birthday party, and Cooper said " Its okay Alli, you were sick but we can go again later." It was the sweetest conversation between them. On the 31st of July in almost one month my lil guy will be 3!! Boy has he grown in this past year, he has accomplished many milestones. And we have a big party planned for my sweet lil guy!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

~Strep Throat~

A few hours after arriving home from our short trip to Hobbs Allison complained that her neck hurt. I figured she strained a muscle from sleeping in a weird position in her car seat on the drive home. And then yesterday night she complained again, this time I rubbed some muscle relaxer and gave her some Tylenol. Well this morning in a rush to get to church on time Allison did complain her neck hurt and we rubbed more creme in. Not to long after we arrive at church Allison eyes whelp up in tears and I ask her what was wrong, she silently told me she didn't want to miss her cousin's birthday party later that afternoon but that her throat really hurt. She pretty much silently cried her eyes out the entire meeting. So I decided to take her to the emergency clinic associated with our pediatrician's office. We literally got in and out of the office and were super lucky to have see a Dr that we new and was able to diagnose Allison with Strep Throat. My poor baby was not her self she could barely move and was completely miserable but with only one doses of medicine she seems to slowly returning back to normal!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Joys of Motherhood

Today It was fend for your self in the Sanchez house, Richard Cooper and I ate leftover chicken fajitas. Allison wanted a bowl of cereal and a banana. Cooper asked for several plates of chicken and Allison wanted another banana. While I was getting there food prepared this feeling over whelmed me I was content and perfectly happy to preform this task for my children. I relish in the moments where I provide, nurturer, or educate my children. I love moments like this that remind you how precious life is. It is refreshing to find a bit of perspective.

Friday, June 24, 2011

A lil trip

Things are kinda up in the air as far as a possible promotion for Richard that might seal our fate to be in New Mexico. Nothing is concrete yet but I thought it was worth a drive to check out the town. So Today we drove out to Eunice and to Hobbs. We stopped in Eunice for lunch and then Richard showed us around the Chevron FMT. I was able to meet many of Richards coworkers. Then we drove in to Hobbs. Its not a large town, I think that Richard but it best when he said its a small Midland. They have a Walmart, Albertson's, Bealls, JcPennys, Applebees, Chilis, and several other restaurants, a track field etc. I am glad we went, we got to see the town and we were also able to find some leads on housing.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Ice Skating Lesson's

We signed Allison up for Ice Skating Lesson's a few weeks ago and I was pretty upset when Allison's first class would happen while I was in California. Although I was lucky that my inlaws were able to take her and attend. This past tuesday Allison had another class and Richard got of early and we were able to watch the whole class! There were several children in the class. And my little Alli-cat did amazing, she was ahead of the whole group. I am exicited to see Allison progression through the course of this class.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

California June 2011

As every time I spend in California it went by in the blink of an eye! Really we literally stuffed some many activities into 6 days: two huge birthday parties, two shopping trips, bra shopping, clique make-up consultation, a day in San Fransisco, etc!!! Really the whole point of the trip was to be there on my Aunts actual birthday. Every year for her birthday she ate at this Japanese restaurant called Kyoto's. We had invited about 25 people to this gather for lunch, and what a turn out we had! It was bittersweet lunch. Honestly the whole trip I felt almost this looming feeling. Being in my Aunts home and in the town where she lived was a bit sad. Although I have been grieving her lose since January because I didn't just visit my Aunt and that was our only contact. She was involved in my daily life. I wasn't uncommon to speak to my Aunt more than once a day. I felt like she was a truly a grandparent to my children she listen and relished in every milestone and achievement. My Aunt was normally the first person I called when my kids were sick!!! Every day is a reminder that she isn't here. Saturday was the day we had the Tree Planting Ceremony. We had a lot to do to prepare for this event, we had at least 70 people that attended. We set up several chairs and umbrellas, cleaned tables and chairs, swept, set up food etc! It was such a wonderful gathering of friends and family. And what a beautiful day it was! I have to say one of my favorite things about our trip was the weather, the hottest day was 84 and most days the temperature stayed at a cool 75. In all it was a very therapeutic trip but I missed the kids and Richard like crazy, I am glad to be home.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

~Sickness and other Ramblings~

Its been a long weekend! Cooper woke up Friday morning with a fever and it has continued through the weekend! Poor guy when he woke up this morning and I went to get him I noticed vomit all over his bed. I guess when he woke up at 2am with a high fever I didn't notice it.... Also Richard caught the horrible cold I had last week and it has hit him hard! Poor Allison is bored out of her mind! Although she did get to go to the Rockhounds game with Richard on Friday, since I was home with Cooper. Allison got a Rockhounds jersey and a baseball at the game! I am flying to CA for 6 days on Tuesday and I couldn't feel less ready. With Richards work schedule and Allison activities I am so appreciative of my in laws for helping out. It means a lot to me to be able to go to CA. Last year when we were booking the tickets I had picked June 14, so I could be there in CA on my Aunts Birthday which is June 15. Until I realized I would be missing Fathers Day. I felt like I couldn't do that to Richard, and my Aunt was totally okay with it so I booked the tickets for the following Monday. When I was there last summer I promised my Aunt I would be there in CA on her next birthday. Unfortunately I will be there in CA on my Aunts birthday but she will not. I know it wasn't a big deal to my Aunt that I wasn't there for her birthday but I feel like such a jerk. This year like I promised I will be in CA on my Aunts birthday and we celebrate her, on Wed we will eat at the restaurant she always ate at on her birthday and then on Saturday we will have a tree planting ceremony in honor of her birthday! I hope some how I get a chance to pack myself and the kids, finish the laundry, clean the house, grocery shop before I leave town early Tuesday morning. Hope you enjoy the picutre I took of the beach in CA back in 08~!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Mother Daughter time!!

Yesterday morning Cooper woke up with a fever and I knew then it was gonna be a slow day for us. I had planned to spend some one on one time with Allison so we waited until Cooper went down for his nap and we slipped out. We first went to Bahama Bucks, Allison new favorite summer dessert and then we went to get our toes done!! We both picked a pink colors! I really enjoyed getting our pedicures it was extremely relaxing! Then I took Allison shopping for new shoes! Allison and I had a lot of fun together, laughing and talking! I actually forget how much she can just talk and talk. Asking me questions about everything!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011


I love summer time! With Allison being in school during most of the year, plus all of our extra activities it was so hard to get everyone together! But summer time is great because it allows us to see more of each other. We Started our week off at my moms for breakfast and then after lunch we went swimming at my sister's pool! The next day I invited everyone to my house and what better fun then swimming and pizza!! The past three days we have been swimming in full force, and Allison just loves having her cousins to swim with her!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Allison has been begging me to make cupcakes, so after dinner yesterday I gave in! The kids love to help, but boy do they know how to make a mess when putting all the ingredients in. After cracking the eggs Cooper has totally lost interest but Allison she wants to see her baking project all the way through. Cooper literally ran away and hide when I tried to take his picture! After we put the cupcakes in the oven Allison grabbed a chair and an oven mitten and sat down as she watched the timer. After the cupcakes we were ready she even sat down as they cooled off. I think Allison favorite part was icing the cupcakes or maybe eating them!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

The best thing I ever bought!

After our swim trip on Saturday we all went to the store and I found a pool for a ridiculously good price we just couldn't pass up! So we spent Saturday night filling up the pool with water and making s'mores on the grill, my kinda night! On Sunday the kids came home from church and jumped in the pool and stayed for hours. I had to bribe them with ice cream after lunch of course just to get them out of the pool! Even after lunch they were back in the pool, after Cooper's nap they swam, and after dinner they went right back in the pool! I think our back yard with the sand box, trampoline, and know the pool my kids literally don't leave the back yard. I think its time for me to borrow some books from my sister because there is only so much do while sitting outside watching the kids.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

swimming and snow cones

For some reason Allison is my little fish! She could swim all the time. After California all Allison could talk about was the swimming pools we swam in during our trip. You think Disney Land would be the highlight of our vacation! Anyway we thought it would be fun to take the kids to one of the swimming pools here in Midland. Allison really wanted to go to the Washington swimming pool because it has a big slide. Last year Allison was to scared to go down the big slide, but this year she really wanted to conquer the slide. The second we woke up Allison asked me what time we were going to swim, and I knew then it was going to be a long morning! After her tutor session and lunch we headed to swim. And I was surprised when Allison was a little hesitant about going down the slide. Well after Cooper went down the slide first, Allison came around to it. And she made it down the big slide by herself! My lil guy he really wasn't up for swimming I walked and walked around with him until right before we left he finally was up to swimming, my cautious guy! After our swimming adventure Allison wanted a snow cone from Bahama bucks, her new favorite snow cone place!