Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Look who's 4!!


Today my sweet baby blue eyes is 4!  My how time has past by.  The past few days I have been reflecting on my pregnancy, birth, and newborn life with Cooper.  It took me along time to adjust as a mother of two.  Cooper rocked my world, but looking back I wouldn't trade one moment.  Cooper has been one of the biggest blessing of my life and to say I couldn't picture my life with out him in it is such a true statement.  I don't think my Cooper James realizes how much he enriches my life, just a sweet smile from that blue eyed little boy lightens up my day!  A hug or a kiss from him literally melts my heart.  I didn't know how much more love my heart could take when Cooper was born, but Cooper definitely shares a piece of my heart just as Allison does and know Beckett.   Cooper James your mommy loves you with every fiber of her being, happy birthday my sweet sweet boy.

A little about Cooper.  The most well known thing about Cooper James is how much he loves to dress up!  There are very few occasions where Cooper is actually in real clothes.  Among the favorites to wear spider man being number one!  Other contenders would be batman, captain america, peter pan, iron man, anything with camouflage!  Cooper loves his imaginext toys they range from his batman train set to batman cave and accessories.  Obviously his latest fascination is with batman!  Cooper makes friend's very easily and calls any kid under five his friend.  Cooper's best friend is of course his big sister.  They honestly get along most of the time, unless big sister is being bossy!  Cooper is learning alot right know.  I have babied him for along time, totally my fault of course.  And he has had to grow up during my pregnancy and know that Beckett is born.  Cooper is by far the best eater, that kid loves his veggies!! I have jokingly called him my little rabbit.  But that is so true Cooper loves carrots, lettuce, celery, broccoli, and peas just to name a few!  I am very excited for a few of the new adventures Cooper has coming up preschool and soccer.

Sunday, July 29, 2012


I haven't written on my blog about my mom moving, because well it makes me sad and more real.  My step dad is being transferred to Fort Worth.  They are selling there house and hoping to be in Fort Worth by mid August.  I know I live in another town, I was the first one of my family to move away.  But HELLO I have traveled to Midland at least every week since the month of May!  Also my sister Heather is moving today to San Angelo.  And my sister Jamie has applied for a position out of state. That leaves my sister Courtney to be the only family that I will have in Midland.  I guess I am lucky that we have all lived together this long.  I cant help but get totally depressed over this situation, the thing I am most sad about is my mom moving.  Ever since my aunts passing, I have really relied more on my mom.  And since my mom retired last year she has been way more active in my life.  When my mom sent me a text a couple days ago of the for sale sign in the front yard of her house, I couldn't stop crying.  I don't know exactly what the future holds for my family, but no matter what we will make things work.


I have a lot of things on my mind lately.  I feel so blessed to have recovered so fast from Beckett's birth.  My pregnancy and labor were difficult but my recovery has been pretty easy.  Not to say I am not having back issues, because I am.  But that's a normal for me.  I am also shocked to say it, but I have lost almost all my baby weight!!  I walked out of the hospital 18 pounds lighter!  I still have 7 pounds to lose to be exactly pre baby weight, but that's so doable!  With Allison I lost all the weight quickly too, but not with Cooper took me over a year!  So I am relieved the weight is coming off, know its time to get toned!  Once the kids start school in three weeks it is walking time!  Hopefully I can get back up to my 3 miles a day with my new walking buddy baby Beckett!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Weight check

Yesterday I drove into Midland by myself with all three kiddos.  I was so relived that I made it out the door on time and made it to Midland with no major meltdowns or other issues!!!  The only thing that went wrong was I forgot Cooper's shoes!  Thank goodness I had his flip flops in the swim bag.  Before the appointment I was able to enjoy a wonderful lunch with two of my sisters and my mom.  At 2pm I went in for Beckett's weight check appointment.  My baby boy finally gained some weight, 4 ounces!  The doctor wanted him to gain half an ounce per day and he did.  The doctor still wants me to watch Beckett's number of vomits, and how long his diarrhea continues.  I am so ready to enjoy my new baby and to put the constant worry aside.

Monday, July 23, 2012


Saturday we had Cooper's birthday party at Chucky Cheese.  We decided to have his birthday early while we were in Midland for Beckett's two week check up.  Cooper's actual birthday is on July 31 a week from tomorrow.  The party was a major success.  My mother stayed home and watch baby bug, I didn't really want to expose my new baby to Chucky Cheese germs!  Cooper had an absolute blast! The kids was ever where, from the games to dancing etc!  I am so glad we got to celebrate Cooper and give him all the attention.  One of the funniest things that Cooper did, was while he was in the ticket blaster.  Allison kept telling Cooper to grab the thousand dollar ticket.  Well the ticket blaster started and Cooper was just standing there.  I thought oh no he isn't going to grab anything, so I kept motioning to him to grab tickets.  Then I noticed he found the thousand dollar ticket!  He was holding it with his pointer finger and thumb, he was so pleased with himself he kept giving me a thumbs up with his other hand it was hilarious.  We had all of our family there to celebrate and Cooper was blessed with tons of gifts!  It was a fun day and I know Cooper enjoyed every moment at his party!!

Two weeks!

On Friday we drove into Midland for Beckett's two week check up.  Things had not improved from our last visit.  Beckett has lost more weight and that has the Dr really concerned.  Which means we go back to Midland for a weight check on Wednesday.  Hopefully he has gained weight or Beckett could have a more serious condition, and will require some test. Beckett also has a hernia in his belly button, due to the constant vomiting.  The Dr said by the time he is a year old it could heal on is own, our could require surgery to repair it.  Because of the weight loss the Dr know wants Beckett on rice cereal which is to be added to his special formula.  The weight of the cereal in his stomach should help Beckett from vomiting it back up.

So far since Friday Beckett has kept all his feedings down expect for two.  The only knew development is he is having loose bowel movements, they have become very frequent.  And not to jinx myself but Beckett has slept really well these past two days with the new feeding regiment.   Will continue to update on how Mr. B is doing.


I cant get over how blonde Beckett's hair is!  Like I said in an early post I was for sure we wouldn't have another light child.  But my baby bug has some serious light hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes.  Actually his eyebrows and lashes are almost nonexistent there soooo light!  Cooper was also this light when he was born.  Although Cooper's hair has gotten so dark.  I wonder how Beckett's will turn out.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Yesterday Richard went back to work, today I am on day two by myself. I have three kiddos, can you believe it!!! Today Beckett was wide awake and the kids were just googling over him!! I ran to get my camera to capture it! Things have run pretty smooth, the worst thing about being couped inside is I am afraid the kids are getting bored! I have been trying to occupy them, but a mom of a newborn can only do so much. I have a bad case of the mommy guilt!! I am worried I am not doing enough to entertain the big kids and I am overly worried about Beckett and his reflux issues! But alas I am an optimistic person and I think in time we will work out all these issues in the mean time enjoy some pictures!


My poor baby bug has been having a rough few days!  On Wednesday Beckett vomited shortly after one of his feedings,  I am familiar with spit up.  This was coming out the nose, projectile, and took entire towel to clean up.  About 30 minutes later he did it again.  Twenty minutes later he began dry heaving.  I called the nurse and she suggested that maybe it was a one time occurrence and if he threw up again after his next feeding to bring him in.  Well he didn't vomit for the rest of the night.  But he were so worried about Beckett we rotated all night and stayed up to watch him!  Thursday rolled around and he was fine until around 4pm he vomited once and then two hours later he spit up.  All night and most of the next day he was fine no vomit or spit up.  Well Friday afternoon came and around 6pm he vomited again!  This time he didn't stop, every feeding he vomited and cried!  The poor guy would scream when we laid him flat.  First thing Saturday morning I called the pediatrician's office and they wanted to see him.  We made a dash to Midland for his appointment.  The Dr diagnosed Beckett with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease.  Beckett has lost so much weight since birth, he is at 6 pounds 8 oz now.  The Dr prescribed some reflux medicine to be ingested 3 times daily.  Also the Dr put Beckett on a special formula to help get his weight back up.  On top of everything my poor lil guy also has a terrible diaper rash caused from the acid in the reflux. 

Beckett takes his medicine with out a fuss and doesn't fight the bottle with the new formula.  The Dr said it would take a week for the acid to get out of his system.  Beckett is still vomiting and spitting up.  From Monday at 2pm tell Tuesday at 2pm he vomited at every feeding but 1!  Today he has kept the last 4 feedings down.  Also his diaper rash his completely healed.  On Friday is Beckett's two week check up.  Thankfully my little bug is sleeping pretty good, thank goodness.  I just pray the next few days he is able to keep his feedings down!!!


I am not sure I have blogged about our family of animals.  We have interesting animals in our home.  The animal we have had the longest is our cat.  Richard brought Oreo home a few weeks before Cooper was born.  He is completely Allison cat.  She feeds him and gives him water daily and loves her cat whole heatedly.  Our second animal is Toothless our salamander.  Richard found him at work the summer of 2010.  Toothless is also Allison pet.  Allison loves Toothless and takes care of all his needs, she even feeds him worms and crickets yuck!  We also have a collection of turtles.  Richard randomly finds them, and he takes care of them.  Although Cooper claims their his pets.  Cooper loves to get them out and play with them in the back yard and lets them crawl around.  Our most recent animal is our rabbit Tiger Lily.  This new pet is kind of a long story on how we came to be her new home.  After the thunder and hail storm we had here in Hobbs the next day at work Richard found a dead rabbit and her hole flooded in water.  He also found a few died babies, but he found 2 alive.  Of course Richard brought them home and had thought we would take the baby rabbits to this center for animals in Midland.  But they died a few days later before we went to Midland.  And during those few days they lived Allison feel in love with one rabbit!  When the rabbit died she was devastated!  So what did her daddy do he searched the Internet for another rabbit and found our Tiger Lily.  I wasn't to thrilled about the rabbit, but I do nothing for it.  It is Richard and Allison responsibility!  Anyway yesterday the kids were outside playing with the rabbit and turtle.  I caught them with there doctor stuff pretending with there animals and had to take a picture!!

Friday, July 13, 2012

One week old!

Today is Beckett's one week birthday!  In some ways I cant believe he is one week old but then again its totally believable!  I feel like we have had some time to get to know our new lil guy.  Some things that Beckett dislikes is a diaper change!  Beckett literally will cry the entire time we change his diaper.  And from my last post you know he didn't care to much for bath time.  Beckett is sleeping like a newborn alot during the day not so much at night.  Some times we are lucky and get a three hour stretch but he mainly wants to eat every 2 hours.  He is also opening his eyes alot more during the day and definitely recognizes my voice and daddy's voice.  Beckett absolutely loves to be swaddled.  I think the big kids are adjusting really well.  Life's normal as far as they know it, we just have to tend to Beckett every once in a while.  Plus with Richard home things are running smoothly.  Also we have been keeping the kids pretty busy with activities like:  we took them each to the movie theaters (Cooper went with Richard to see Spider man and Allison and I saw Brave), Richard has been taking them to the park, the kids also got to pick out a bunch of movies at Hastings, and today Richard is taking them to the swimming pool. 

First Bath

We gave our little guy his first bath on Tuesday night.  Allison and Cooper were so interested they wanted to be apart of the whole thing!  Allison grabbed a chair and both the kids set there quietly as Beckett cried and cried as we washed him.  Poor guy was not happy at all, which is strange because Allison and Cooper never cried during bath time.  Once Beckett was all warped and warm in the towel he calmed down and was wide awake!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


On Monday we woke up early and drove into Midland to Beckett's Dr apt. All was well, Beckett did lose a little weight but everything else looked great! We then went to my moms and picked up the kids. I seriously missed my big kids!! I was so relieved to have us all back together. I have been especially worried about Cooper, and I couldn't give him enough love when I saw him! Allison on the other hand is adjusting wonderfully and even learned how to play a song on the piano thanks to my mom. We loaded up the kids stuff and headed to have lunch at my in laws house. They left out of town the day Beckett was born and didn't get to hold him because of his breathing issues. After our visit to my in laws we headed back to Hobbs, home.

Allison is in love with Beckett, she constantly asked to hold him and feed him. She listens to every noise he makes and is always checking on Beckett. Cooper is doing better, he even asked to hold Beckett which was a big step. Cooper is already back to his normal routine and occasionally recognizes Beckett's presence

Jumpy party

Saturday night the kids spent the night with my sister.  On Sunday my sister's boyfriend had his daughters birthday party at the jumpy place.  While the kids were at the party they got there faces painted and my sister was nice enough to text me a picture of them.  I just had to share!!

Going home!

Saturday afternoon we were released from the hospital.  Thanks to family we left the kids in Midland tell Monday when we would drive back for Beckett's first Dr apt. We drove home to Hobbs and spent Saturday and Sunday by ourselves with our new lil guy!  It was really pleasant and quiet and gave us time to adjust and get to know Beckett.  I have to say it was by far the most fun I had by myself with Richard all year.  Have mentioned lately how much I love my husband!


Because Beckett was having a hard time breathing when he was first born the kids didn't get to seem on Friday.  Although the were able to watch through the nursery window but not physically.  Saturday morning my sister in law brought Allison and Cooper to see Beckett.  Allison was so sweet she didn't want to leave her new lil  brother.  She touched him and would say how cute all his little sounds were.  Cooper on the other hand was some what interested in Beckett but ready to leave to go swim at my sisters.

Beckett's birth story


Friday morning we headed to the hospital for my 4am induction.  We got there right on time and was told to wait out in the waiting area because there was some kind of an emergency and they would come to get us soon.  We waited for about 30 minutes and then they admitted us to a room.  Which we waited in the room for another 45 minutes tell someone finally came in there.  It wasn't until 6:15 when they started the pitocin.  Then it was a nurse shift change at 7.  I went ahead and asked for the epidural because I know it takes so long to get.  It actually didn't take long for my epidural the anesthesiologist showed up at 7:15.  My mom and sister Courtney showed up at 8. Then about 15 minutes later my Dr came by and checked my cervix and I was at 5, and he broke my water.  Unfortunately my relief from the epidural didn't last for long.  For some reason I was extremely nauseous during the entire labor.  I literally cant remember how many times I vomited.  Thank goodness my labors don't last to long! Between 9-11, I was so sick and as a result I have a hard time remember events clearly.  Some time before 11 my little sister came by to visit, but I was so sick I barely remember that.  Also before 11 my epidural wore off, so the anesthesiologist came back by for another dose.  Which made me way more numb then I would have liked.  Also during that time while I was lucid the nurse checked me and I was at a 7.  At little after 11 the nurse came by and she checked my cervix and said that it was baby time.  At that moment I was at my worst nausea wise.  I just kept thinking it cant be time I am so sick how can I push?  I quietly whispered to Richard to pray for me as I said a silent prayer myself.  I pushed even though I had absolutely no feeling, and after awhile like all my other births the Dr gave me an episiotomy.  And at 11:34 Beckett was born.  I was relived from my nausea for a bit and was able to enjoy Beckett's birth.  I was surprised when they put him on my chest and saw his blonde hair, I instantly thought he looked like Cooper.  I really thought the chances of another light child was out of the question.  But Beckett is definitely light with light hair and looks to have blue eyes too.  I didn't get to spend time with Beckett because he was having a hard time breathing.  Richard got to cut his cord and I got to hold him for five minutes and he was taken to the nursery and it would be several hours tell I would see him again,

Sunday, July 8, 2012

He is here!!!

Beckett Paul Sanchez arrived Friday morning at 11:34 am.  Weighing in at 8 pounds and 20 1/4 inches.  We are home and doing well.  I couldn't be more in love with this tiny guy.  Up next on the blog, Beckett's birth story.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Tissue box

Here I sit with four more days tell my induction, and so far no signs of an early arrival from our lil guy. I am so thankful for this weekend and the opportunity I got to prepare ourselves a little better for Beckett’s impending birth. I am obvious in a major nesting phase. For example we cleaned the garage, detailed the highlander, washed all the sheets/comforters/towels in the house, swept and mopped, cleaned the kids room, rearranged Beckett’s furniture, and went grocery shopping. Really the list could go on!! I went to bed Saturday night and told Beckett that I was ready for him to come.

I know it sounds silly, but I had to take a picture of this tissue box, is it not the cutest one you ever seen? I know I am biased to the color purple but I love this tissue box and had to take a picture of it!

Enjoying summer


I have been trying so hard to keep the summer fun for the kids. Being 9 months pregnant with temperature over 100 degrees has been hard. Not to mention we have to drive into Midland once a week for my appointments. But I have managed to take the kids to the pool once a week, which was my goal. I have also managed to occupy there days with activities like painting, early morning scooter rides, afternoon trips to the park, and making snow cones/ice cream.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Dr appt

Friday morning I had my weekly doctor’s appointment. With my regular doctor being out of town he insisted I still have an appointment with one of the other doctors from his practice. I was surprised when the Dr told me I was 4 centimeters dilated, 75 percent effaced, and plus 2. She also told me that my cervix was very soft and she could feel my bag of water. The Dr also said she would be surprised if I made it through the weekend! Although I have heard that before with Allison and I made it another 5 days to my induction.  Here it is Sunday and I am still kicking.