Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Report Cards and Jumping Jacks

Report cards are in!! Its Allison very first report card. She didn't understand it at first but we chatted about and by the end of the day when daddy got home she was explaining her report card to him. It is amazing to see the progress your child goes through. I remember my Alli struggling and she has grown by leaps and bonds. Her teacher said "Allison is such a hard worker! I am so glad she is in my class. " I couldn't be more proud. Also she talks often about a certain little boy at her school. Just today she told me "Mom Xavier said I looked beautiful in my dress today." We are in the thick of the soccer season. Allison as two soccer practice a week and a soccer game every Saturday. Allison told me last night after practice that she loved her new team and had so much fun with her friends and daddy at practice.

Cooper James is as active as ever. Yesterday he told me "Mom how do you do jumping Jacks?" I held his little arm and tried to make him do a jumping jack. He laughed and told me to show him one. So I did a couple of jumping jacks and Cooper was laughing hysterically. "That's not how you do em mommy, you don't look like the imagination movers." Yesterday I told Cooper to tell me he loved me and he said "I love you very much mommy." I said what about daddy and Cooper said "Daddy he my best friend." Do I dare say we have made a huge progress in the potty training department??? Cooper hasn't had an accident since last Tuesday. Going number one was always a breeze but number 2 seemed so hard for my lil guy to grasp. I certainly hope we are done.

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