Allison has been in school for 12 days! Allison wakes up with no problems and gets ready for school with out a fuss. Allison definitely has an opinion about what she wants to wear to school and how she wants her hair done. She likes to walk herself into her classroom. I have seen her mature so much since Kindergarten. Allison is reading her books with ease and her hand writing has definitely improved too! Also Allison made a 100 on her first spelling test! Wednesday's are early release days and of course I remembered to pick her up. Although as soon as I saw Allison come from the school doors she ran to me and said "Mom I forgot to tell you it was early release day and I thought you forgot!" Allison has made a few friends but I think she is still feeling the Summer Blues!
Cooper and I are enjoying some alone time together. Every morning we go for a leisure walk at the duck pond and then I let him play for about half an hour at the park there. That little boy has quite the personality. One morning while we were at the park some children came to play and this one little boy asked Cooper what his name was and Cooper replied "My name is Peter Parker." I couldn't believe it! So during the day I ask him what his name is and some times I get the right answer some times I get "Tony Stark, Peter Parker". Yesterday afternoon the whole family went for a walk around the neighborhood and Cooper was running and took a pretty hard fall such a bad fall Allison started crying asking Cooper if he was okay. Surprisingly Cooper took the fall pretty well and got up hug Allison and said "Its okay Alli I didn't die!" This morning Cooper and I enjoyed some quiet time watching Home Alone, that lil boy couldn't stop laughing honestly neither could I (I actually love that movie), Cooper loved the movie and said things like "That's so funny or he got hit in the pee pee."
your family is so cute!