If you want to continue following my blog here is the new site bellow. I decided to create a new one, which took a lot of time. Please follow me on the gadget on the right hand side of the web page. Here is the link.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Looks like I have used all my photo storage for my blog. I am not sure what to do, create a new blog or pay to add more pictures. Anyway I have a ton of post to add, so I am gonna go to the computer genius my sister and figure something out. More to come soon!!!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
My lil guy is growing! Beckett sure is moving around alot these days. He loves to flip over on to his tummy. I just had to take a few pictures of him doing it. Beckett also loves the crochet blanket my sister made for him, we rarely go any where with out it!
The letter?
Saturday afternoon I came back from a church activity I was in charge of to find Cooper was wounded. By none other than the rabbit! Turns out he was eating a carrot on the floor next to the rabbit and ended up getting bit on the lip! I came home to an I am sorry letter from Allison, begging not to take her Tigerlily away. I was not really that upset, I was actually glad our family pictures were canceled (due to the wind storm we had Saturday) since Cooper's lip was swollen.
When my mom knew about the move to Fort Worth there began talk about wither they were going to take the piano, so naturally I jumped in and begged for the piano. This special piano belonged to my Aunt, who drove it down to Texas in a Uhaul from northern California at least if not more than 20 years ago. I took several lesson's with my sister Courtney, but I had to face facts I just didn't have the talent, or the slender fingers! But when we had Beckett my mom spent time with Allison and guess who is a natural?! That's right my mom has successfully taught my daughter two songs on the piano. So know we have the piano and Allison is to begin lesson come January!!
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Mr. fix it!

After ten years of marriage I guess some of the things you own start to fall apart. Recently our vacuum stoped working, turns out after Richard took it apart it was totally fixable, I just had to order a part. Then our dryer stopped drying, I was pretty sure I knew the problem sense the clothes weren't hot. Richard also took it apart and replaced the part and yay another thing fixed!! I also have to give a huge shout out to Richard for driving to Midland and back to Hobbs in a Uhaul to get my moms piano for us! Did I mention that Richard went to Midland to pick up an early Christmas present for me? My new coach purse!! With a thirty percent off coupon and 150 dollars Dillard's gift card (that I got with my thank you points), and a some out of his own pocket.
I am seriously glad I have Richard to change the light bulbs I cant reach, hang our Christmas lights every year, open tight jars, give the cars oil changes, change flat tires, jump my car, fix any broken toy etc etc! I didn't grow up with my dad, or had any real male figure in my life. I truly appreciate all Richard does for me and our children.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
4 Months!
On the 6th Baby B turned 4 months old! We drove into Midland for his doctors appointment. Richard stayed home from work because he was so sick and Cooper seemed to have the same symptoms so they had a restful day together. That meant I got to drive alone with Beckett, which was SO quiet, I kept looking back to see if I was missing someone. The appointment was a success for Beckett!
4 Month Stats:
Weight: 14.12 lbs (51%)
Length: 27.8 inches (90%)
Head: 44.0 cm (90%)
Baby B is so tall, Dr said he is the same height as an average 8 month old! Everyone says Beckett is a big boy, the kid doesn't have a single roll on that body. He is just a solid kid from head to toe. Beckett also got his 4 month shots, which he was NOT happy about. It took me forever to calm him down and he has been super fussy since. I mean MAD, nothing has really soothed him today:(
Here is what Beckett is up to lately. He is only waking once a night, or he will sleep tell 5am and wake to eat then taking a long morning nap. Beckett still takes 3 good naps during the day, my guy is such a sleeper! Last week Beckett mastered rolling from both sides. This week he rolls to his tummy straight on to his hands and lifts his little head up. Beckett loves people, especially his siblings, he is always laughing at Cooper, and is easily soothed by Allison. This past Friday Beckett rolled around so much he can literally turn around an entire 360 degree angle and usually gets stuck under the couch! We finally moved Beckett to his crib, the kid was just rolling in his bassinet. It amazes me how fast Beckett has grown in these few months. I wake up in the morning and cant wait to see his face, it hurts be to be away from him. And know Beckett recognizes me and when he cant see me he will get upset. He is very use to people and being around them, so he doesn't like to be by himself. I love my lil guy so much he has definitely found his way right into my heart.
Another birthday!
Sunday we celebrated my sweet sister in law's birthday. I am so glad we always mange to be in town for her birthday. She does so much for my kiddos and loves them unconditionally. I can always count on her! It was so nice to relax with family before we drove back to Hobbs. I love my sister in law and hope she had a great birthday!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Turkey Shoot Out!!
Saturday was the Turkey Shoot Out Tournament! We had high hopes of this tournament, but the day didn't turn out has we had hoped. We won one out of three of our games. Allison played her heart out. I think my mother in law put it best " The other team obviously wanted it more than our girls"! And she was so right, our girls just didn't play there best, and that was tough to swallow. Especially when Allison and our goalie Makenna played with such gusto! We did enjoy all the family that came out to watch Allison play!!
Richards birthday!
Friday was Richard's birthday! We started of the morning early with cards from the kids and a candy cake I had made. Later I had lunch with Richard. We were packed and on the road to Midland by 4:30! We drove straight to baskin robins to have ice cream with all Richard's family and some of my family! It was so nice to chat with everyone, of course while the kids were running around! I am so thankful for my sweetheart. I was telling my nephew about the first birthday that I got to celebrate with Richard. It was his 16th birthday, we had a movie date with my nephew to see inspector gadget! Boy the years have pasted and many things have changed. I remember when we were newly married and how lucky I felt that we were sharing the bed together, and know we are lucky to sleep in with out waking up to one of our kids!
Sunday, November 4, 2012
I have been working on this for months, and I am almost done! Here's a sneak peak. Soon Beckett's bedding will be complete! Thanks to my sister and her amazing talent (she has taught me everything I know and has more to teach me), and of course lending her ear as I obsessed over finding the right colors! Next project when this is complete is the curtains and rug! There is seriously something rewarding about making something yourself!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Halloween 2012
This was definitely an interesting Halloween! To say the day was a crazy whirlwind, is the honest truth! From start to finish, I barley manged to take a shower. But what am I saying the day was not about me! Lets get down to business, we all had to be dressed and out the door by 5:30, and Richard barely walked in a few minutes after 5! The kids picked their costumes early in October and had both decided to be power rangers, well that didn't last long! Cooper is obsessed with Hawk guy from the Avengers! Cooper has the animated version of the Avengers as kids and Allison and Cooper watch it like crazy! So Hawk guy and Black widow was the final costume decision. At first I had started making Beckett a dinosaur costume and Allison pretty much begged me to make him apart of the avengers. That was no easy task, baby costumes are ridiculous, and I wasn't sure how to make one. But after a few failed attempts and many shopping trips for dark blue clothes, his costume finally came together hours before we left to trunk or treat! Richard also dressed as Nick Fury from the Avengers. I wore a green shirt and borrowed Coop's hulk mask and fist, but with carrying around Beckett I ended leaving them in the car and never got them out, boo! Did I mention that someone STOLE all the candy from the back of the Highlander! I went to decorate the Highlander before the trunk or treat started. Well I tried calling Richard to come outside and he didn't answer. I barley stepped away to walk to the gym to get him and when I walked back someone had taken two buckets and two boxes full of candy! Other than that, the day was a blast! Precious memories made and fun was had by all! OH and the best part of the whole day was finding out my niece is having a BOY! I am so excited for my niece and her hubby, they have no idea how there lives are about to change!! What a great Halloween it was, and is sure to be one we wont forget!
This is a probably a boring post to most everyone. But I am about to go on and on about my only daughter! Miss Allison Ann has been on my mind lately. With Beckett's birth I was so worried about Cooper, but as it turned out it effected Allison more. I should have known Cooper is such a laid back lil guy, and is barely phased by Beckett's presence. I don't know if Allison current issues are due to Beckett's birth or where they stem from. A month after school started Allison was starting to really complain about school. It eventually turned into full out crying about going to school, her excuse was she missed me while at school. Just to appease her, after two years of not walking her into her class room I have started doing it again with both boys in toe! I also started visiting her during lunch time, twice a week. I also started leaving her messages in her lunch box. Things have gotten better and we are in the processes of tapering off both area's. School is definitely tougher this year and my Alli-cat stress over perfection in her school work. I am happy to say she made straight A's ( two 98's and a 93 to be exact) on her report card. And before you start think A's, that's got to be easy for second grade. Let me stop you right there and say, its not! It's amazing to see the changes in your child from infancy to toddler hood then preschool aged and to know. Allison is truly a wonderful big sister! She has a huge heart, always worrying about others. Some times I don't know how she does it! I adore this child and am infinitely blessed to have her as my daughter. You know the saying where a father should be his son's first hero, and his daughters first love. Well Allison has always had a special place in Richard's heart, she worries so much about what he thinks of her. And the first thing out of her mouth when she is in trouble is don't tell daddy. I feel like I work really hard at having a good relationship with Allison. Its a tricky thing to be all the roles I take on disciplinary, teacher, cook, taxi driver, comforter etc etc! But this child is so worth all the effort it takes to be the best mom I can be. There is seriously something special about being the first born child, Allison definitely holds my heart differently then her brothers. Maybe its a women thing? With the boys I just want to raise good men, but with my daughter It's so much more deep! I am not saying I love one more than the other, they all hold my heart differently!
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