Sunday, February 13, 2011

A sick weekend

This weekend would not be one of my top picks for weekends. Allison woke up on Friday with a high fever, bummer she totally had to miss her Kindergarten Valentines party. Then thirty minutes later Cooper woke up with a fever too! Lets just say the weekend went down hill from then. Doctor visit, cough attacks, several fevers, and whinny babies! At one point on Friday I had both kids on opposite sides of me a sleep. Allison seems to be feeling better today, but Cooper is about a day or two behind Allison just thirty minutes ago Cooper had a 102 fever. After I gave Cooper his medicine I found Allison asleep in the living room listening to her mp3 player!


  1. That was totally our weekend too! I'm almost out of children's tylenol just trying to keep my girls' temperatures down. Haven't been to the doctor yet. Did they give you perscriptions??

  2. So sorry for you guys! We got presciptions, they had to prescribe something different because Midland and Odessa where out of there meds and wouldnt get it in tell late this week! Pharmacist said so many sick kids and not enough meds! Hope your girls get to feeling better!
