Wednesday, October 17, 2012


My lil guy seems happier.  Sunday and Monday he pretty much slept the days away, he would wake up to eat every 5 to 6 hours.  I guess the hospital stay really took a lot out of him.  It was so scary and a little strange not to have the oxygen machine to count on to make sure his levels were right.  I actually kind of missed hearing the constant beeping go off.  I pretty much haven't taken my eyes of this lil guy, he has pretty much stayed in my arms.  Around 5 pm yesterday Beckett perked up!  I put him in the boppy yesterday and he actually held his head up! And earlier this morning he was able to grab some of his toys with his hands.  I know these aren't huge milestones or anything. Its just my lil guy has had a difficult few months with the reflux and then his breathing issues, I know he is a little behind.  Last night around 9pm Richard was getting Beckett to laugh and talk!  I am just so glad to see Beckett awake today and alert. 


  1. Allison, he is not behind at all. Liam is still only holding his head up for a little bit while propped up and will play with his toys but that is if that is behind then my little guy is right there with yours :)
