Sunday, July 31, 2011

Cooper is 3!!!

My sweet baby boy turned 3 today! I was blown away when I realized I gave birth to a blond hair blue eyed little boy. Not that it wasn't a possibility but with Allison being so dark, Cooper's coloring was a bit of surprise to me. I can thank my dad for Cooper's blue eyes! It took me one year to come to terms with being a mother of two. Cooper James has taught me many lesson's since birth. I learned that things don't always go as planned and to expect the unexpected. I have always been a extremely planned person but has since learned to have a more go with the flow attitude. When Cooper came into our lives I had to learn to accommodate my personality with his. Cooper is a very curious active little boy, who almost always finds his way into trouble. Allison was a really passive baby and Cooper was defiantly more high maintenance. I have without a doubt enjoyed every moment of my lil guys life. He gives me such a sense of peace, being his mother. Those blue eyes just melt my heart, I would do anything for that lil boy. It is such a blessing that each one of my children came to me at a unique time and have two separate but important meanings in my life. Happy Birthday my sweet baby blue eyes, and welcome to 3!


  1. Happy Birthday Cooper! I'll miss you in nursery.

  2. My second born is similar. She will be the one to make me learn who I really am and make me reach my full-potential.
