Monday, August 29, 2011


Saturday morning we woke up early and headed into Lubbock for the day!! It was a nice get away from Hobbs. We came into town and had lunch. Then we went to the mall and did a little shopping. While we were at the mall there was a flash mob and then we saw the Texas Tech cheerleaders. I think Allison is officially obsessed with being a cheerleader now. After our mall adventures we took the kids to the Science Spectrum! Wow hours just flew while we were there, Cooper literally ran from one thing to another! Allison had fun too, she really understood the exhibits and asked alot of questions. So glad Lubbock has a Target, because I was in desperate need of a few things. Then we enjoyed dinner together and headed home. I really enjoyed our day there and was so glad we had a chance to go!! We really need this weekend together full of activities I was starting to get into a funk. We had been in Hobbs for two weeks with no family and I was getting down. I cant wait for soccer season to start in the next few weeks so we can keep busy!

Saturday, August 27, 2011


On Friday Richards parents drove into Hobbs to have dinner with us and we also enjoyed a quick visit from my sister and brother in law. Then we headed into Denver city to attend the football game. My niece is on the flags team and they perform during the half time and we thought it would be fun to watch my niece and spend time with family. Allison told me it was the best day ever, even better then her birthday! Cooper finally fell asleep on the drive there so he was much more pleasant person after his nap! We didn't stay the whole game because there was a major power outage. It was great to see family, I was starting to feel out of touch and a bit depressed. Also my oldest niece got engaged Friday night too!!! All I can say is bring on the Wedding, so excited for them both!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Princess Frog Award!

On the first day of school Allison told me about the Princess Frog Award. Everyday when Allison would go to school she would tell me she hopes she gets the award. Well guess who got the award today???

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Spelling test

So yesterday when Allison got home from school she told me she had an important paper in her folder, spelling words! Wow, its official homework. Right before bed time we read our nightly book and studied spelling words. I thought I would start off by testing Allison and seeing if she new any of the words, she only missed 2 words out of 10!

Monday, August 22, 2011

An Adventure

Today we went on an adventure. When I was little my Aunt Ruthie would take my sister Courtney and I, on an adventure. We use to hunt for parks around the town she lived in! We would find new parks, amazing parks and some times we would have picnics at the park. When my Alli-cat was 18 months old we started our own adventure of finding and exploring new parks. Today we explored the duck pond here in Hobbs, it also has an amazing park there. The kids had a great time and we plan on visiting it frequently!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Big boy bed

Yeah yeah Cooper is 3 and we are just know putting him in a toddler bed. There just was no hurry getting him out of the crib and with him being such a crazy sleeper it made it so easy to keep him in his crib. We ordered Cooper's bed, bedding, and curtain and they came on Tuesday! We put it together and Cooper was so excited, "its mine" he keeps saying. I think Cooper has replaced his blankie with his new comforter! He wraps it around him and walks around the house! The first night he woke up a several times, lets hope he sleeps better because waking up early to take Allison to school is really running me down!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

1st grade

I cant believe my baby is old enough for first grade! When I went to wake Allison up she shot right out of bed. My little girl was so excited for school. She even put up with me taking a bunch of pictures that is until we got to the school, "Okay mom enough pictures already!" I love her teacher, I love the school, and I love her classroom. I seriously couldn't be more pleased, definitely an improvement from Allison kindergarten school year. Allison found her spot in the classroom and set down and when I said goodbye she gave Cooper a hug and waved goodbye to me! I walked out of the classroom and yeah I shed a few tears. Gosh kids grow to fast!!!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

9 years!!

Today Richard and I celebrated our 9 year wedding anniversary. I remember the day we were married very clearly, I was beyond excited and nervous. It was a very windy day and a hot day, which I was thankful we didn't have to reception out doors. My favorite memory of the day was the very lovely yet delicate kiss Richard gave me during the ceremony. I asked Richard what his favorite memory was and he said I took his breath away when he saw me walk down the aisle. This morning I woke up to a lovely long letter from Richard. We have nothing special planned today, Allison starts first grade tomorrow. We are thinking of going into Lubbock next weekend and celebrating. Its been a wonderful 9 years, I cant believe how time has flown. We have created such a special life together and I am honored to be Richards wife. Richard jokes that I was created for him because we r exactly 9 months apart. I believe that a true sole mate is a person who loves you for your faults and strives to make you a better person. And I believe Richard and I do that for each other. I love Richard Paul and cant wait to spend eternity with you.

Monday, August 15, 2011

My birthday

We celebrated my birthday in Midland, actually we had to stay over at my mothers house. It was surprisingly pleasant to wake up in my old bedroom, with my little family asleep there with me. Lets just say my birthday was a jam packed day! We started off the day with my moms famous big breakfast and my sisters and there kids came over to join in on the festivities. After breakfast all the girls went to get pedicures. Last time we went it was just "sister's" so this time we let Allison and my niece Hailey tag along. I highly recommend Gala nails they were so accommodating to are large group and did a fabulous job on all of our toes. After pedicures we ordered fajitas from Rosa's and chowed done on a delicious lunch! Next movie time, my sister Courtney watched the kiddos and Richard, me, my mom, and Allison went to watch a movie at the theaters!! We ended the day with pork chops on the grill and ice cream cake outside surrounded by my mothers gorgeous yard and many family members!!! I had a full fabulous day surround by those I loved, which was a prefect way to end our time in Midland.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Home sweet home..

A week ago today we moved into our new house. We had to go back to midland two days later for 6 days to finish a few things. Today we drove back to New Mexico and will probably stay put for about a month, until I drive back to Midland for a baby shower and birthday party. The week in Midland was full of ice skating lesson's, tutor sessions, swimming, a trip to Lubbock, an enrichment activity at church, and of course celebrating my birthday. I am so thankful I got to spend so much time with my family and I am glad things are about to slow down for us because we have alot of unpacking to do. I Promise to blog about my birthday it was spectacular!

Friday, August 5, 2011

It's here..

The Uhaul is here, and we are loading it up. I am surrounded by boxes and tubes. I cant believe the time is here for us to move to Hobbs. I don't think I actually came to terms with the move tell just know. I just chugged along through the summer events and knew that eventually the time would come for us to move! I cant wait for this move to be over and for us to be settled!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Chucky Chesse

All the commotion with our move, and the fact our house was in no condition to have a party at we decided to have Cooper's party at Chucky Cheese. We went real low key and just invited family to Chucky Cheese. I think with just family the total is almost 24 people. Cooper had a blast and knew it was a party just for him! The lil guy was all over the place he had such a blast. He had a smile on his face from start to finish, Cooper absolutely loved the attention. Might I add that the adults even joined in on some game time!! Cooper made out like a bandit, he certainly enjoyed all of his gifts. I have to say that the people at Chucky Cheese were so accommodating, the party was a complete success! Also I have the best in laws ever, I couldn't not be more blessed with a family that I can always count on and that unconditionally love my kiddos!