The joys of parenthood, to have our family sealed for all time and all eternity. The happiness in sharing the adventures of parenthood with my eternal partner. Today I was reflecting on my children. With that being said I'll share a brief special memory of Cooper. This past month Cooper has been climbing out of his crib every time he goes down for a nap or for bed time. A few nights ago we let the children stay up an hour after there bed time when we decided to put Cooper down to bed which was way to easy considering the complications we've been having. About a half hour goes by I finished reading my book and and went to check on Cooper to find him laying on the floor with his blanket covering his head in front of his crib. I laugh and call Richard to see where our son had fallen asleep! We laugh and I pick our little guy up and he nestle his head in my shoulder and he clasp both his hands on my chest. I take a deep breath in and cuddle my son. The most calming content feeling over whelms me. Could anybody understand at that moment how much love I have for my son?! I am sure all mothers relish private moments when they feel truly blessed to be chosen by our heavenly father to be this particular child's mother. I will never forget after Richard and I were sealed in the temple last year something that Allison said that just stuck with me. "Mom we put our hands in and that means forever!" I will always remember seeing our children dressed perfectly in white with beautiful smiles across there faces into the sealing room. One word PERFECT!
Hope you enjoy this picture, its the first picture of me with my two children, on my 25 birthday!!
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