Thursday, June 10, 2010


So another story about Cooper and Popcorn! Every Wednesday when Richard is at boy scouts the kids get to watch a movie and have popcorn with cheese salt. So I get the popcorn cups out and the kids are screaming poppy (Allison started this, she called popcorn poppy when she was little and still does. So Cooper calls it poppy too.) while I get the popcorn out and put it in the microwave. The kids get so anxious as we the listen to the kernels pop and when it dings the go nuts and scream poppy again! I pour the popcorn in there cups and add the cheese salt and both the children put there hands out so I pour a little on there hands. I give both the kids there poppy and they sit in there chairs and watched Nemo. So I deiced to run to the bathroom real quick, then I hear the kids fighting. I look out and there not in the living room and there in my room! I tell Allison to get off her brother and go to the living room and there I see the popcorn cheese salt in Coopers hand. He is covered in the salt its all over the floor and when I look back out into the hall there is a trail of the salt all the way from the kitchen to the bedroom! I go in the kitchen and see a chair propped up by against the counter and the cabinet is wide open! Gosh Cooper is one sneaky determined kid!

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