Tuesday, November 29, 2011


On my facebook page I began the 30 days of sharing what I was thankful for, but because we went out of town and had computer issues I never finished. So here is the rest!!

Day 21: So thankful for the Charity and service of others.

Day 22: Thankful for a supportive husband.

Day 23: Thankful for dinner with good friends.

Day 24: I am thankful for a day of food and good company.

Day 25: I am thankful for my black Friday shopping partner.

Day 26: I am thankful to be an Aunt.

Day 27: I am thankful for my talents, cooking/baking in particular.

Day 28: I am thankful for our reliable vehicle that has gotten us safely through our travels.

Day 29: I am thankful my kids have good relationships with there cousins, there a big part of there lives.

Day 30: I am thankful for this opportunity to participate in a month of gratitude, it really helps to focus my life in a more positive aspect.

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