Sunday, May 16, 2010


So I have been super busy since our big rainy day this past Friday we have been taken over by water in our house! Our master bedroom closet is completely flooded both our bathroom are leaking through the medicine cabinet and the wall next to Allison's closet is leaking! So we spent several hours Saturday cleaning and drying things up while the kiddos stayed at grandma's! I have not seen the floor in my closet in nearly 4 years! I am sad that most of our stuff had to be trashed, like shoes and really nasty sopping wet clothes and blankets. Yeah I know my closet was a mess! We started cleaning out the medicine cabinets and threw a lot of stuff away, but chunks of our wooden cabinet is just falling apart, I honestly don't know how there going to fix that. "They" I mean the Warranty company who could not make an appearance until tomorrow, ugh! But after all the cleaning, dirty towels, and huge fans I am left with this nasty stench of rain mildew?! Hope the warranty company can send some one to soak the rest of the water out of the carpets and then clean them because it seriously stinks in my house! Anyway, Richard is done with school for the semester and Allison finished preschool and her soccer season is over, we have no plans for the next three weeks but to lay around, YAY!!

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