Happy Hump Day!!! On to week three of kindergarten. Before school started Allison had a screening with her teacher to evaluate her and see what level she was at. After the screen was over I was told we would have a conference in the weeks to come but that Allison had a some what difficult time during the screening. As her mother of course I was pretty upset about this news, thinking come on I have a degree specialising in early childhood development and my kid is behind? Let's just say I shed some tears over it. During pre-school last year Allison struggled on her alphabet and we worked on that and over came it, I had letters all over the house for her to recognize ever night religiously we went over her alphabet. Allison was actually the only one in her class that knew all the letter sounds at the end of the year. So we weren't as on top of things this summer but every few days we would go over things. But Allison was having such a tough time blending words and putting them together. She was stuck and so was I, thank goodness for my sweet Aunts who bought me (all the way from California) some learning supplies! And boy do I mean supplies I got anything from puzzle words, flash cards, work books, and dry erase boards. So we kept at since the day of Allison's screening. And we had ourselves a min break through last night while reading Sam and Dog a phonics book. I sure hope Allison continues to push through and continuing on her path to reading.
On to my lil guy, Cooper James who recently hit the big 2 about 5 weeks ago! As I affectionately call him my Blue eyed demon or Mr. Destructo has been on several house rampages and many tantrums. But some times his sweet lil self with conquer and come out to snuggle with me or sit with me. 2 has always been my least favorite stage between learning and understanding to communicating and I feel that is where lil 2 yr old's get there frustrations. But it's also a time where they become a lil person's and are no longer babies. We're fiercely trying to work on taking away his pacifier and patently embarking on potty training.
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