Thursday, September 16, 2010

OUR new house!

SO I thought I would share with my blog world and show you some pictures of our new place! Things are finally falling into place. The garage is clearing out and the yard is coming around. I am starting to feel like this is my home, I am able to finding where things are. I ready for the weather to change and things are plowing right along with our lil family. Richard is in thick of the school semester and work is going great, Richard loves working with Chevron. Although neither of us like the fact he has to drive 3 hours per day back and forth all week but were managing! Allison school is going GREAT! She wakes up just fine, goes to bed with no problems. She actually tells me I cant wait to go to school in the morning and that makes me smile. Cooper is almost over his sickness but has a lingering cough. He has been wild crazy everyday, I have never seen a child so full of life and so gosh darn destructive. Hope we survive our weekend, with Allison soccer game, two birthday parties, a wedding reception, and the Annual UT/Tech game.

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