Monday, January 24, 2011

A good book....

One of my goals for this year was to start reading again! Last year I made the same goal one book a month. Although I enjoyed it so much I was reading like 2 book a week! I totally over did it fast! By May I had read nearly 30 books! I went through all of the Last Olympian series, well expect the last one could never find it (My Aunt Steffer bought it for me in CA). I also went on a whirlwind of Nicholas Sparks books. Talk about crying for over a month striaght, he writes some tear jerkers! My sister also let me borrow a few books, Shiver was one of my favirotes! Then I found many random books here and there, like books made in to motion pictures for example Lovely Bones etc. I also re read the Twlight series. Anyway my sister Courtney (Ann) also shares a love for reading!! She sure can pick a good book, books that I would normally skip over. Last year she let me borrow this book called Fallen. I actaully started reading this book on more than 3 occasions. So last week I deiced to open Fallen and finsh it up! And I am so glad I did! It exceed my expactions beyond belif! I loved it and am glad it has become a series, the second book came out last year. And the third installment comes out in June! I love to read I feel it keeps my mind fresh and hungry!


  1. What is Fallen about? It looks really good.

  2. yeah, before i had abby, i was reading 2 books a week too! i love to read!

  3. Romance and Angles! A good read I promise!
