Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Even though I have been extremely sadden by the lose of my Aunt, coming back from California I was able to really appreciate my life. I am happy and I am in love. I feel like I've got motherhood down! Don't get me wrong we all have are bad days and I am not saying I am prefect by any means. But I feel pretty comfortable and content with being a mother, its my role in life. I also am completely in love with my husband. I was listening to Tim McGraw the other day his song My best friend. That song really touched me, because Richard is truly my best friend. I couldn't ask for a better father for my kids. This morning Cooper was being his little handful self and couldn't figure his toy out and Richard set there on the floor with our son and they figured it together. The other night I heard Richard and Allison talking about my Aunt and Allison was just crying and Richard just held her, it was precious moment between father and daughter. My kids are at such interesting stages right know.

Allison~ Big sister, always worrying about her little brother. We go to the park, a play date they both stick together like glue! They are inseparable most times. Allison got a Razor scooter for Christmas and has been riding that like a pro. When we were at the park the other day several women commented on how wonderful she could ride they were surprised. My Allison always the inquisitive child always asking me the most intriguing questions, some times you really catch me of guard! My little reader, how very proud I am of you at how far you have come! My little dress up girl, how many times you change your outfits it is unreal! Mulan, pink power ranger, a Dr, Brittney (chipmunk), Hannah Montana, or iCarly. Did I mention Allison is in love the the Chipmunks and chipettes. She has recently acquired all members and sings Girls just wanna have fun all the time with her mp3 player or on the Wii. I couldnt love this little girl more, always helpful, understanding, and thankful. She says the sweetest prayers, never asking her Heavenly Father for anything but always thanking him for everything she has.

Cooper James~my lil guy, my baby. I swear your father and I say we baby you way to much! You still sleep in a crib and haven't been potty trained yet, and we just took your pacifier away. But you are my baby, and I enjoy you more than you know. My destructo boy, always wreaking havoc on my little house. Five minutes cant pass without you completely turning a room upside down, you seriously make me fill like the maid! The sweetest words that come out of his mouth "Love yooooou mommie!" Any time I ask for a kiss or a hug, he will always comply. Cooper is beginning to learn manners saying, please, thank you, your welcome, or bless you. Recently Cooper has decided I should play with him! Always telling me "Come here Mommy."

I am really enjoying life with my lil family right know, and relishing every moment.

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