Friday, March 4, 2011


My sister her children and my Mom holding Coop.

A week from tomorrow we will be flying to California, excited but sad. Some times I push the thoughts away that my Aunt is no longer with us. It's silly but I just cant control my sadness when I think of her. Tonight my sister and I got together and played cards, a new game my Aunt would have loved. I think about how I will never play another game of cards with her again and I burst into tears. Today when I had lunch with my mom and sisters I was sharing a memory about how once I went to run an earned and left the kids with my Aunt and when I came back I found the children covered under at least 10 umbrellas and playing in storage tubes full of water. My aunt could make something out of nothing. I know it will be hard to bring my children to her house a house she loved having full of children and I know she would be saddened not to be there with us. Its so strange not to call her or to speak with her. To tell her of my children accomplishments, funny Cooper stories, or to just vent. I feel such a void in my life. We had this tradition where I would talk to her the day I would be flying to see her and when we hung up I would say see you soon instead of talk to you soon. Allison has already planned a visit to my Aunts grave with a note she has written her and flowers she plans to bring to her. Until then my thoughts are with my Aunt.

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