Friday, July 13, 2012

One week old!

Today is Beckett's one week birthday!  In some ways I cant believe he is one week old but then again its totally believable!  I feel like we have had some time to get to know our new lil guy.  Some things that Beckett dislikes is a diaper change!  Beckett literally will cry the entire time we change his diaper.  And from my last post you know he didn't care to much for bath time.  Beckett is sleeping like a newborn alot during the day not so much at night.  Some times we are lucky and get a three hour stretch but he mainly wants to eat every 2 hours.  He is also opening his eyes alot more during the day and definitely recognizes my voice and daddy's voice.  Beckett absolutely loves to be swaddled.  I think the big kids are adjusting really well.  Life's normal as far as they know it, we just have to tend to Beckett every once in a while.  Plus with Richard home things are running smoothly.  Also we have been keeping the kids pretty busy with activities like:  we took them each to the movie theaters (Cooper went with Richard to see Spider man and Allison and I saw Brave), Richard has been taking them to the park, the kids also got to pick out a bunch of movies at Hastings, and today Richard is taking them to the swimming pool. 


  1. Your hubby will stay with a newborn while you go to a movie. I'm jealous! :) Love that baby. So cute.

  2. He sure is adorable! Congrats! I'm glad that the family is adjusting well, it's always fun adding another member :)
