Sunday, July 29, 2012


I haven't written on my blog about my mom moving, because well it makes me sad and more real.  My step dad is being transferred to Fort Worth.  They are selling there house and hoping to be in Fort Worth by mid August.  I know I live in another town, I was the first one of my family to move away.  But HELLO I have traveled to Midland at least every week since the month of May!  Also my sister Heather is moving today to San Angelo.  And my sister Jamie has applied for a position out of state. That leaves my sister Courtney to be the only family that I will have in Midland.  I guess I am lucky that we have all lived together this long.  I cant help but get totally depressed over this situation, the thing I am most sad about is my mom moving.  Ever since my aunts passing, I have really relied more on my mom.  And since my mom retired last year she has been way more active in my life.  When my mom sent me a text a couple days ago of the for sale sign in the front yard of her house, I couldn't stop crying.  I don't know exactly what the future holds for my family, but no matter what we will make things work.

1 comment:

  1. Aw...I'm sure you'll still be close to them! Think of it this way...Fort Worth has alot more things to do than Midland! :) Its hard to see family separate like that but it happens. My parents got lucky and three of us kids actually moved back to Midland. Now Rhett is moving and most likely within 4 years we'll be moving if Trev finds a job in Utah. I hope your ok though and I feel for you. We'd love to have back in Mildand!
