Friday, June 3, 2011

Night at the Drive-in

With Richards new schedule at chevron he has Fridays off! So we decided to take the kids to the drive-in! We left two hours before the movie so the kids could play on the play grounds! The kids love the playgrounds at the drive-in and we got there early enough that they had the playground all to them selves! The kids had a fabulous time playing. We even brought snacks and popcorn for them, and the kids just camped out in the back of the Highlander with there blankets and pillows. And it didn't take to long for them to fall asleep! It was a fabulous double feature, definitely worth staying up tell 2am!


  1. I always wondered about taking young kids to the drive-in! We really want to go sometime

  2. We went to the drive-in once assuming our kids would fall asleep in the back with all their pillows and blankets... it didn't happen. Instead we ended up with cranky children and had to leave the movie before it ended! Maybe wearing them out at the playground before is the key! We'll have to try that next time...

  3. What did you see? I'm ready for a drive-in.

  4. We went with Mr. M when he was little and Lib was a baby. We need to go again. We'll go early too. What a great idea!
