Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Ear's Pierced

Allison has been asking us to get her ears pierced for the last six months.  Richard promised her when the soccer season was over that we would allow her to.  So of course Allison wants to get her ears pierced while were in town.  I was so hesitant about her doing it, not because I didn't think she was old enough but I was afraid of the pain it would cause her.  I don't think I have ever been so nervous.  She picked her birthstone as the earring she will be wearing the next 6 weeks.  My big girl didn't even flinch, she didn't even cry.  She actually asked the lady are you done?  I am not ashamed to admit that I cried.  When we got to the car Richard said to me "I don't think you know how worried I was, I was probably twice as concerned as you."  I laughed and told him I was holding back a gush of tears.  Then for the rest of the weekend Richard kept randomly saying "She is growing up so fast, to fast."  Allison is so proud of her earrings and shows everyone around her!


  1. Wow! She's brave! And how is your body holding up with this pregnancy? I keep meaning to ask.

  2. lol I feel like the bigger I get the less control I have on my body. I am wearing my pregnancy back brace and that helps, but only so much. I defintly have to pace myself;)
