Tuesday, November 16, 2010

~Sick babies~

After the turkey shoot out Allison came home with a slight runny nose. I didn't think much of it because there was tons of dry dead grass being kicked up. The next day I noticed she had a crusted eye but it wasn't red I cleaned it up and went on about the day. Well Monday morning I wake Allison up and get her ready for school, feed her breakfast, made her lunch and right before it was time to leave I fixed her hair. Not tell that point did I notice her eye was RED! So I ask her if it bothered her and she said it didn't hurt but was covered with gunk that she had to clean. I think it could be pink eye, so I call the school and get an appointment at the doctors office. With Cooper in tow we head to the Doctors office. Of course we wait forever. The doctor looks at and doesn't think it is pink eye for sure but think it could be conjunctivitis due to her cold I ask him to look at Cooper who also as a cold and it ends up that he has an ear infection! We leave with a few prescriptions and stop by burger king on the way home. We had a nice lazy day together. Cooper even took a nearly 4 hour nap!! This morning I wake up Allison and it looks like her other eye is infected too! So another day she stays home. Although today I made waffles, bacon, and eggs! After that the kids wanted to watch Toy Story 3 so they set them selves up in Allison's room. Another lazy day at home!

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