On Fridays I have lunch with Allison. Today was no exception, Cooper and I ordered her free pizza (due to the reading program reward she received) and headed up to Allison school. I really enjoy doing something special like this and visiting with her at school. I mean the child is literally beaming with excitement when she sees me. We had a good lunch. When I left the school I drove past the playground and I can see Allison holding on to the fence waving to me, I roll the window down and Allison screams "I love you mommy" with the biggest smile on her little face with her daddy's sparkling eyes. She just melted my heart.
This morning Cooper was not his normal self. We had been busy with running around but I was worried for potty training purposes. And of course we had an accident on top of his grumpy attitude. We ended up having to go back home to change. I was changing Cooper and trying to talk to him, about how important using the potty was, and to tell mommy when you need to go etc. I ask him what he thought and he said "Sorry mommy." wasn't what I expected so I went back to the car and I buckled him up. I was driving down the street thinking this potty training thing has got to get better, why is it taking him so long to figure this out so on and so on. Then I hear Cooper "Mommy, (long pause) I love you."
Its interesting how those three words can completely change the way you feel. I know is ridiculous how emotional I get about it, but goodness I love those two more than I could possibly explain to anyone let alone in words. I couldn't be more thankful for my life at those moments. I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for those particular moments when reality is brought into prospective and I am able to remember how very valuable and important life really is.