Friday, April 1, 2011

Two front teeth, Hockey game, and yellow nails!!!

With posting about our California Vacation I've gotten behind! Time to catch up!!!

Allison lost her two front teeth last week. On Tuesday Allison came home from school telling me how lose her two front teeth were. When it came to dinner time one tooth was really lose so she wiggled and wiggled it. That tooth was barley hanging on, by one side. So when daddy came home from work he barely touched it and it came out. Eventually on Friday Allison lost her other tooth while eating dinner with her Aunt and Uncle! I love the tooth fairy (My sweet Husband) he is so good at picking up teeth and leaving a gift. Allison looks so sweet minus her two front teeth, I never thought my five year old would lose her teeth this quick! Allison will stick her tongue through her gap, and whistles too!

Last Saturday we attended the Jacklopes hockey game. It was Autism awareness night! Our friends son dropped the puke. We had a fabulous time!!! While at the game we ran into some friends of ours the Russell's! We ended up sitting with them the entire time, we only set in our seats for five minutes! I have never seen Cooper love on people as much as he loves on the Russell boys! He actually sits still with them! The kids ate tons of food from pickles, cotton candy, pickles, and candy. It was a good game the jacklopes won 4-2!!!

Before the Hockey game Allison and I went to go get a Mani/Pedi!! Allison painted her nails yellow to match her soccer team color. Go bumble bees!!! Alli loves getting her nails painted. Although the paint didnt last even a week!!!!!!!!

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